Projective filtering of a single spatial radiation eigenmode

Autor: Pérez, A. M., Sharapova, P. R., Straupe, S. S., Miatto, F. M., Tikhonova, O. V., Leuchs, G., Chekhova, M. V.
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. A 92, 053861 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.92.053861
Popis: Lossless filtering of a single coherent (Schmidt) mode from spatially multimode radiation is a problem crucial for optics in general and for quantum optics in particular. It becomes especially important in the case of nonclassical light that is fragile to optical losses. An example is bright squeezed vacuum generated via high-gain parametric down conversion or four-wave mixing. Its highly multiphoton and multimode structure offers a huge increase in the information capacity provided that each mode can be addressed separately. However, the nonclassical signature of bright squeezed vacuum, photon-number correlations, are highly susceptible to losses. Here we demonstrate lossless filtering of a single spatial Schmidt mode by projecting the spatial spectrum of bright squeezed vacuum on the eigenmode of a single-mode fiber. Moreover, we show that the first Schmidt mode can be captured by simply maximizing the fiber-coupled intensity. Importantly, the projection operation does not affect the targeted mode and leaves it usable for further applications.
Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures
Databáze: arXiv