New Maser Emission from Nonmetastable Ammonia in NGC 7538. III. Detection of the (10,6) Transition and a Velocity Gradient

Autor: Hoffman, Ian M.
Rok vydání: 2012
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/759/1/76
Popis: We present the first astronomical detection of the 14NH3 (J,K) = (10,6) line: nonthermal emission at several velocities in the Galactic star-forming region NGC 7538. Using the VLA we have imaged the (10,6) and (9,6) ammonia masers at several positions within NGC 7538 IRS 1. The individual sources have angular sizes < 0.1 arcseconds corresponding to brightness temperatures T_B > 1E6 K. We apply the pumping model of Brown & Cragg, confirming the conjecture that multiple ortho-ammonia masers can occur with the same value of K. The positions and velocities of the (10,6) and (9,6) masers are modeled as motion in a possible disk or torus and are discussed in the context of recent models of the region.
Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; emulateapj, accepted to ApJ; color figures only on arXiv
Databáze: arXiv