PIONIER: a 4-telescope visitor instrument at VLTI

Autor: Bouquin, Jean-Baptiste Le, Berger, J. -P., Lazareff, B., Zins, G., Haguenauer, P., Jocou, L., Kern, P., Millan-Gabet, R., Traub, W., Absil, O., Augereau, J. -C., Benisty, M., Blind, N., Bonfils, X., Bourget, P., Delboulbe, A., Feautrier, P., Germain, M., Gitton, P., Gillier, D., Kiekebusch, M., Kluska, J., Knudstrup, J., Labeye, P., Lizon, J. -L., Monin, J. -L., Magnard, Y., Malbet, F., Maurel, D., Menard, F., Micallef, M., Michaud, L., Montagnier, G., Morel, S., Moulin, T., Perraut, K., Popovic, D., Rabou, P., Rochat, S., Rojas, C., Roussel, F., Roux, A., Stadler, E., Stefl, S., Tatulli, E., Ventura, N.
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201117586
Popis: PIONIER stands for Precision Integrated-Optics Near-infrared Imaging ExpeRiment. It combines four 1.8m Auxilliary Telescopes or four 8m Unit Telescopes of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (ESO, Chile) using an integrated optics combiner. The instrument has been integrated at IPAG starting in December 2009 and commissioned at the Paranal Observatory in October 2010. It provides scientific observations since November 2010. In this paper, we detail the instrumental concept, we describe the standard operational modes and the data reduction strategy. We present the typical performance and discuss how to improve them. This paper is based on laboratory data obtained during the integrations at IPAG, as well as on-sky data gathered during the commissioning at VLTI. We illustrate the imaging capability of PIONIER on the binaries deltaSco and HIP11231. PIONIER provides 6 visibilities and 3 independent closure phases in the H band, either in a broadband mode or with a low spectral dispersion (R=40), using natural light (i.e. unpolarized). The limiting magnitude is Hmag=7 in dispersed mode under median atmospheric conditions (seeing<1", tau0>3ms) with the 1.8m Auxiliary Telescopes. We demonstrate a precision of 0.5deg on the closure phases. The precision on the calibrated visibilities ranges from 3 to 15% depending on the atmospheric conditions. PIONIER has been installed and successfully tested as a visitor instrument for the VLTI. It permits high angular resolution imaging studies at an unprecedented level of sensitivity. The successful combination of the four 8m Unit Telescopes in March 2011 demonstrates that VLTI is ready for 4-telescope operation.
Databáze: arXiv