Vortex ratchet reversal: The role of interstitial vortices

Autor: de Lara, D. Perez, Erekhinsky, M., Gonzalez, E. M., Rosen, Y. J., Schuller, Ivan K., Vicent, J. L.
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Physical Review B 83 (2011)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.174507
Popis: Triangular arrays of Ni nanotriangles embedded in superconducting Nb films exhibit unexpected dynamical vortex effects. Collective pinning with a vortex lattice configuration different from the expected fundamental triangular "Abrikosov state" is found. The vortex motion which prevails against the triangular periodic potential is produced by channelling effects between triangles. Interstitial vortices coexisting with pinned vortices in this asymmetric potential, lead to ratchet reversal, i.e. a DC output voltage which changes sign with the amplitude of an applied alternating drive current. In this landscape, ratchet reversal is always observed at all magnetic fields (all numbers of vortices) and at different temperatures. The ratchet reversal is unambiguously connected to the presence of two locations for the vortices: interstitial and above the artificial pinning sites.
Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 1 Table
Databáze: arXiv