Study of proximity effects in superconductor/ferromagnet interface using waveguide enhancement of neutron standing waves

Autor: Aksenov, V. L., Zhernenkov, K. N., Khaidukov, Yu. N., Nikitenko, Yu. V., Bottyan, L., Tancziko, F., Merkel, D., Nagy, B., Deak, L., Nagy, D. L., Szilagyi, E., Horvath, Zs. E., Kiss, L., Csik, A., Vad, K., Langer, G., Ruhm, A.
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This work is devoted to experimental study of influence of superconductivity (S) on ferromagnetism (FM) (inverse proximity effects) with the help of Polarized Neutron Reflectivity. Combining meausurements of specular and diffuse intensities it is possible to obtain full picture of magnetization change in S/FM layered systems like magnetization rotation, domain state formation, inducing of magnetization in S layer, etc. To increase weak magnetic signal we propose to use enhanced neutron standing wave regime (e.g. waveguides). In previous work we have made calculation to increase enhcanced factor. Here we present results of preparation sets of S/FM samples and attestation of their structural, magnetic, superconducting and neutron waveguide properties.
Comment: This work was presented on workshop 3-7 dec 2008, Contains 4 pages and 3 figures
Databáze: arXiv