The qqbar S-wave axial-vector mesons in the covariant U~(12)-scheme

Autor: Maeda, Tomohito, Yamada, Kenji, Oda, Masuho, Ishida, Shin
Rok vydání: 2007
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study the properties of axial vector mesons a1 and b1 as relativistic S-wave states which are predicted in the U~(12)-scheme, through the analyses of their radiative and pionic decays. Specifically, partial widths of the strong a1 (b1) -> rho(omega) pi processes, their D/S-wave amplitude ratios, and radiative transition widths of a1(b1) -> pi gamma processes are calculated by using a simple decay interaction model, and made a comparison with the respective experimental values.
Comment: 8 pages; Talk presented at the XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscpy(Hadron 07), Frascati (Rome), 8-13 October 2007; Some typos were removed
Databáze: arXiv