Electroencephalographic electrode montage in goats: topographical, radiological, and physiological assessment

Autor: MADAN, Arun Kumar, RASTOGI, Sunil Kumar, DAS, Arup Kumar, KORDE, Jayant Pandurang, SINGH, İshwar, SINGH, Girijesh Kumar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Volume: 41, Issue: 2 265-272
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
ISSN: 1300-0128
Popis: The paucity of information on assortment of EEG leads in goats has hampered analysis of brain regional activity during differentphysiological, pathological, and ethological conditions in this species. Hence, the present study was designed to develop a montage withsuitable combinations of EEG electrode arrays in goats. Ten specimens of freshly slaughtered goat heads (crossbreed of Jamunapari)were procured and preserved at -20 °C. Frozen samples were sliced sagittally and transversely to corroborate the link between intendedtopographic landmarks for EEG leads over the scalp and underlying provinces of the brain. Based on these observations, nine sites forEEG electrode placement were finalized so as to include the entire cerebral cortex. These electrode placement sites were further checkedthrough another set of five goat heads. The electrode sites were then extrapolated to live animals for radiological (orthogonally) andphysiological validation. The montage derived on basis on these electrode placement sites provided maximum brain coverage and theywere found suitable for EEG in goats. Parietal and vertex areas of the brain were found to be most active during the resting phase withthe right hemisphere exhibiting more activity than the left. The results indicated right hemisphere conservatism and an attentionalprocess during the resting phase in goats.
Databáze: OpenAIRE