Maksillada Şeffaf Hücreli Odontojenik Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu

Autor: BAYDAN, Ebru, YILMAZ ASAN, Canay
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi
ISSN: 1305-4953
Popis: Clear-cell odontogenic carcinoma; It is a rare malignant tumor with local invasive development from odontogenic epithelium. This case report will provide information about clear-cell odontogenic carcinoma localized in the maxilla of a young patient. 32-year-old male patient applied to hospital due to painless swelling in the left maxillary region. In the clinical examination, pus flow wasn’t observed in the region. A radiolucent lesion localized in the left maxilla premolar-molar region, invasive to the maxillary sinus, showing perforations in the nasal wall in places and causing resorption in adjacent tooth roots was detected in panoramic and conic-beam computed tomography images. Solid lesion, which can be easily separated from surrounding structures, has been removed. The biopsy resulting in clear-cell odontogenic carcinoma. The patient underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a second operation for partial maxillectomy. Even after correct diagnosis and treatment, cases need long-term follow-up due to the potential for recurrence and distant metastasis.
Şeffaf hücreli odontojenik karsinoma; odontojenik epitel kaynaklı lokal invaziv gelişim gösteren, nadir görülen malign bir tümördür. Bu vaka raporunda; genç bir hastanın maksillasında lokalize olan şeffaf hücreli odontojenik karsinoma hakkında bilgi verilecektir. 32 yaşında erkek hasta sol maksiller bölgedeki ağrısız şişlik sebebiyle hastaneye başvurmuştur. Klinik muayenesinde bölgede pü akışı gözlenmemiştir. Alınan panoramik ve konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografik görüntülerde sol maksilla premolar-molar bölgede lokalize, maksiller sinüse invaze olan, yer yer nazal duvarda perforasyonlar gösteren ve komşu diş köklerinde rezorbsiyona yol açan radyolusent lezyon tespit edilmiştir. Çevre yapılardan kolayca ayrılabilen, solid lezyon çıkarılmıştır. Biyopsi sonucu şeffaf hücreli odontojenik karsinoma gelmiştir. Parsiyel maksillektomi için ikinci kez opere olan hastaya, kemoterapi ve radyoterapi uygulanmıştır. Doğru tanı ve tedaviden sonra bile, bu vakaların, nüks ve uzak metastaz potansiyeli nedeniyle uzun dönem takibi gerekir. Clear-cell odontogenic carcinoma; It is a rare malignant tumor with local invasive development from odontogenic epithelium. This case report will provide information about clear-cell odontogenic carcinoma localized in the maxilla of a young patient. 32-year-old male patient applied to hospital due to painless swelling in the left maxillary region. In the clinical examination, pus flow wasn’t observed in the region. A radiolucent lesion localized in the left maxilla premolar-molar region, invasive to the maxillary sinus, showing perforations in the nasal wall in places and causing resorption in adjacent tooth roots was detected in panoramic and conic-beam computed tomography images. Solid lesion, which can be easily separated from surrounding structures, has been removed. The biopsy resulting in clear-cell odontogenic carcinoma. The patient underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a second operation for partial maxillectomy. Even after correct diagnosis and treatment, cases need long-term follow-up due to the potential for recurrence and distant metastasis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE