Clinical and radiological evaluation of triple tibial osteotomy technique for treatment of ligamentum cruciatum anterior rupture in dogs

Autor: ÇAĞATAY, Soner, KAYA, Ümit
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Volume: 88, Issue: 1 40-51
Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi
ISSN: 0377-6395
Popis: Bu çalışma, ön çapraz bağ kopuklarında cerrahi sağaltım seçeneği olan üçlü tibial osteotomi tekniğinin, erken dönem postoperatif komplikasyonlarını, preoperatif ve postoperatif klinik, radyolojik sonuçlarını karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçlar. Çalışma materyalini, topallık şikayeti ile getirilen ve ön çapraz bağ tam kopuğu teşhisi konan, vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları 44.6 kg olan 16 büyük ırk köpek oluşturdu. TTO tekniği ile opere edilen olgular preoperatif ve postoperatif olarak 10-30-60-90. günlerde klinik olarak ağrı ve topallık skalasına göre, radyolojik olarak ise osteoartritis progresyon skorlamasına göre değerlendirildi. Postoperatif 90. günde bir olguda osteoartritis yönünden hiç ilerleme olmadı. 12 olguda minimum ilerleme, 2 olguda ise osteoartritis bakımından ılımlı ilerleme belirlendi. Bir olgu ise takip edilemedi. Olgulara ait preoperatif ve postoperatif ağrı skorlamaları ise preoperatif ortalama skoru 3.46’dan postoperatif 90. günün sonunda ortalama 1.4’e kadar gerilemiş ve fonksiyonel iyileşme sağlanmıştır (Takip edilemeyen olgu no: 9 hesaplamaya dahil edilmemiştir). Preoperatif ve postoperatif ortalama PTA ve
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate triple tibial osteotomy as a surgical technique to treatment of anterior cruciate ligament rupture and its early stages postoperative complications, and to evaluate preoperative-postoperative clinical-radiological results comparatively. The material of this study consists of 16 large breed dogs with mean body weight 44.6 kg referred to Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ankara University, with complaint of hind limb lameness. In these dogs, anterior cruciate ligament rupture was diagnosed. TTO cases were assessed clinically and radiologically, preoperatively and postoperatively on the 10th, 30th, 60th and 90th days. Operated stifles were evaluated clinically by using pain and lameness scala and radiologically by using osteoarthritis progression scores. Ninety days after surgery, non progression of new bone noted in one case, minimum progression in 12 cases and moderate progression in two cases. One case could not be followed upcompletely. Mean pain and lameness score was 3.46 preoperatively but reduced to 1.4 on the postoperative 90th days. Functional recovery was achieved in all cases (Case 9 was excluded for statistical analysis). Preoperative and postoperative mean PTA and TPA angles were calculated as 103°-94,18°, 21°-15°. In the study, TTO complication rate was %18.75 (n=3) in all cases. Intraoperative tuberositas tibia fracture was seen in case 2 and 12; postoperative tuberositas tibia fracture was seen in case 3 and necessitated a revision surgery (%6.25). As a result, in this study, based on clinic and radiologic data, TTO
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