‹nguino-skrotal patolojiler

Autor: Zorludemir, Ünal
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Volume: 45, Issue: 11 23-28
Türk Pediatri Arşivi
ISSN: 1306-0015
Popis: The spectrum of antibiotics and diseases which are treated with antibiotics are increasing Antibiotics should be used in correct diagnosis indication dose and way of consumption Antibiotics should be started after pending the cultures Empiric choosing of antibiotics could be preferred in emergency and severe conditions Turk Arch Ped 2010; 45: 80th Year: 50 2 Key words: Antibiotics child infection
‹nguinal ve skrotal patolojiler çocukluk ça¤›nda en çok rastlanan cerrahi sorunlard›r. Bunlar›n ço¤u inguinal herni, hidrosel, inmemifl testis ve testis tümörleridir. Akut skrotal a¤r› ve/veya fliflli¤e yol açan patolojilerden en çok rastlananlar ise testis torsiyonu, epididimo-orflit ve appendiks testis torsiyonudur. Bu rahats›zl›klar›n zaman›nda do¤ru tan› ve tedavisinin yaflamsal önemi vard›r.
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