Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Odesa National University Herald. Geography and Geology; Том 20, № 2(25) (2015); 132-144
Вестник Одесского национального университета. Географические и геологоческие науки; Том 20, № 2(25) (2015); 132-144
Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки; Том 20, № 2(25) (2015); 132-144
ISSN: 2303-9914
Popis: У статті аналізується розвиток грунтово-географічних досліджень в Одеському державному (нині національному) університеті. Висвітлено основні наукові досягнення та напрями ґрунтознавчих пошуків. Встановлено велике теоретичне і практичне значення проведених досліджень. Розглянуто і схарактеризовано сучасні напрями ґрунтово-географічних досліджень науковців кафедри ґрунтознавства і географії ґрунтів.
В статье проанализировано развитие почвенно-географический исследований в Одесском государственном (ныне национальном) университете. Освещены основные научные достижения и направления почвенных изысканий. Установлено большое теоретическое и практическое значение проведенных исследований. Рассмотрены и характеризированы современные направления почвенно-географических исследований ученых кафедры почвоведения и географии почв.
The purpose of research is an analysis of existing literature and archival sources on the development of soil-geographic researches in Odessa University during the 1933-2015 years.Methodology. The source base of research was used as literature and archival materials, as well as individual achievements of modern scientists for studying the history of soil science (S. S. Brakin, J. O. Ambrose, Y. M. Bilanchin, S. P. Pozniak, E. N. Krasekha, V. I. Trigub, N. A. Popelnytska). These materials allow to conduct a thorough analysis of the development of soil-geographical researches in Odessa University in general and on the Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography in particular, identify and characterize current research areas of the Department.Finding and Results. Soil-geographical researches on all stages at the Odesa University were deep and diverse. Through the activities of scientists led by S. Brakin during the 1933-1967 years, soils of Odesa and Mykolaiv regions were examined. As a result of these researches were revised borders of the spreading of chernozems, their physical and chemical characteristics, created the first soil-erosion maps. Initiated by I. Plyusnin in 1947 was first established an independent Department of Soil Science and conducted studies in which special attention was paid to the study of genetic types of geological deposits, genesis erosion of valleys, floodplain soils and their development within the Black Sea Lowland. A significant contribution to the formation and development of national soil science and researches of southwestern areas did Ivan Gogolev who initiated and facilitated within Geology and Geography Faculty to create Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography in 1967. Developing ideas of I. Gogolev modern scientific researches of the department divided into several priority areas: morphological and genetic, soil reclamation, landscape-geochemical, cartographical, soil-ecological, historical and others.The results of soil-geographical studies of specified period have important theoretical and practical significance for modern science, greatly enriched the soil science with new facts and materials for the knowledge of origin, distribution, classification of soils, patterns of evolution in natural and anthropogenically-modified conditions.
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