Sociology of violence: disciplinary prospects for its formation and development

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: National Technical University of Ukraine Journal. Political science. Sociology. Law; № 4(40) (2018); 28-31
Вісник НТУУ "КПІ" Політологія. Соціологія. Право; № 4(40) (2018); 28-31
ISSN: 2308-5053
Popis: Перспективи розвитку соціології насильства лежать в площині її тісної взаємодії з іншими теоріями середнього рівня. Наразі характерним є асиметричність такого методологічного зв’язку: соціологія насильства частіше й активніше використовує досягнення суміжних соціологічних напрямів, які співвідносяться з нею. Однак така потреба в них має диференційований характер, і це зумовлено як логікою наукового знання, так і соціальним запитом, адресованим сучасним «суспільством ризику».
In the formation context of the sociology of violence, it is argued some asymmetries of its methodo- logical connections with other theories of the middle range character. It is currently characterized with the sociology of violence more often and more actively using the achievements of adjacent sociological trends.Adequate analysis of the interaction of those middle range theories of is possible while comparing the theories that have comparable (on a scale, etc.) subjects of research. Sociology of violence has its object of studying a certain social phenomenon – accordingly, methodologically correct will be a comparison with similar theories, having the subject of their study of comparable social phenomena. This does not mean that this theory is not related to theories that study community and group - but those dependencies already require additional defragment of the sociology of violence itself.On the one hand, those to be social psychology, criminal and political sociology; on the other one – the sociologies of family, education, youth, etc. But if the sociology of violence actively uses the achievements of these and other similar sociological trends, then in the theories of the middle range there is an obvious lack of attention to the achievements of the sociology of violence itself.Prospects for the development for sociology of violence to be in the spheres of its close interactions with other middle range theories. But, as it is obviously seen, those connections to be far from being always understood by researchers, as far as its principles are not quite clear, that reduces the effectiveness of scientific results. Sociology of violence develops, using the achievements of those middle range theories correlating with it, although the need for them is someway differentiated, and this is due both to the logics of scientific knowledge and to the social request addressed by the sociology of violence.
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