Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Актуальні проблеми державного управління; Том 1 № 82 (2021); 77-83
ISSN: 1993-8330
DOI: 10.35432/1993-8330appa1822021
Popis: Problem setting and relevance. The scientific novelty of research related to the modernization of public administration in Ukraine urgently requires fundamentally new approaches to domestic management science to the scientific justification of the processes of modernization of the domestic public administration system in terms of its active institutionalization.Improving existing and creating new institutional foundations for public participation in public policy making and management decision-making, institutionalization of government-business interaction, strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and local governments, and thus changes in the system of political and administrative institutions and forming a new model relations will essentially contribute to the creation of new forms and criteria for the influence of citizens on public administration processes.The purpose of the article, the task. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of public administration decisions in the political, legal and organizational spheres of public administration, in order to identify models and approaches that can be further applied in practice.The main tasks are: review of the scientific literature on the topic, analysis of forms and types of public administration decisions; research of the process of formation and implementation of state policy in the field of transport safety; study and search for effective mechanisms for making consolidated public administration decisions by public authorities as a result of their interaction.Summary of the essence of the research. The decision is a central element of the whole management process. According to the classical notion that has developed in the science of management, decision-making is identified with the choice of alternatives. Accordingly – management decisions are seen as a choice of alternatives in the implementation of management activities.Based on the scale of application and significance of the impact on various spheres and branches of state activity, among the forms of relevant public administration decisions, in addition to legal and organizational, it is advisable to distinguish another organizational and legal form. Common examples of this form, for example, are program-target and institutional forms, which are combinations of legal and organizational forms.The example of the transport sector shows that state policy in the field of transport safety is usually implemented through legislation, policy acts and strategic concepts. But no less important role is also played by the subjects of transport safety, on the coordinated actions of which depend on the state of emergency, the level of transport services, the quality of transport services and so on. The need to modernize the transport safety management system is recognized by the vast majority of domestic experts. With the existence of a significant number of different subjects of transport safety, the achievement of the desired result depends primarily on the effectiveness of the coordinating influence of the authorized state body. However, the latter has not yet been created.The most optimal is the creation of a single planning and regulatory, scientific and methodological, coordination and control center, endowed with sufficient powers to organize the interaction of all public authorities of Ukraine in this area.Conclusions and final results. Given the examples of the formation of some public authorities, their subordination, coordination, accountability and control, as well as their functions in relation to other authorities at different levels, we suggest that the coordinating body in the field of transport safety should have a special status at the legislative level.Achieving the effectiveness of public administration will depend on the competence of the relevant public authorities, on the ability to make balanced management decisions, which in turn will create organizational and legal imperatives of the institutionalization process. Thus, a rational mechanism for public administration decisions can function only with the creation of certain institutional conditions, the presence of appropriate interaction and coordination.
Стаття присвячена врахуванню інституціонального аспекту при прийнятті державно-управлінських рішень на прикладі сучасної системи управління безпекою на транспорті. Визначено необхідність забезпечення координації та взаємодії інституцій у відповідній сфері, спрямованої на поєднання теорії і практики управління на інституціональній основі. Сформульовано алгоритм застосування послідовних дій для досягнення основних цілей управління у сфері безпеки на транспорті, який включає вибір мети, аналіз, розробку стратегій, планування майбутнього, впровадження, мотивацію діяльності та контроль. Зроблено висновок про актуалізацію інституціоналізації управління у сфері безпеки на транспорті для досягнення стратегічного курсу розвитку, підвищення ефективності державного управління та рівня безпеки на транспорті.
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