[Comparative analysis of informative-diagnostic properties of mucosa immune-reactivity parameters]

Autor: Av, Karaulov, Nesvizhskiĭ IuV, Ss, Afanas Ev, Va, Aleshkin, Ea, Voropaeva, Ms, Afanas Ev, Andrey Aleshkin, Va, Metel Skaia, Og, Grechishnikova, Al, Baĭrakova, Ea, Egorova, Urban IuN
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: Study the features of immune-reactivity expression in mucosa depending on their topicity and etiopathogenesis of the pathological process.Data from 30 clinically healthy children and 77 children with acute and recurrent diseases of respiratory tract: 51--with acute and 15--with chronic bronchitis; as well as 132 women: 41--with active stage of acute urogenital chlamydia infection, 29--with recurrent chronic process, 30--with non-recurrent form and 32 clinically healthy women were analyzed. Saline and urogenital tract mucosa discharge was analyzed for IgG, sIgA and secretory component, IL-1beta, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, IFNgamma, TNFalpha and GM-CSF, TLR-2, TLR-3, TLR-4, TLR-8 gene expression levels as well as content of lysozyme, total protein and leucocytes.Solidity, universality and practically single-stage triggering of mucosa immune reaction mechanisms to intervention by foreign agents regardless of their localization was confirmed. A dependence of immune-reactivity expression on the form of pathologic process, its localization and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the infectious agents was clearly seen. The highest level of clinical-laboratory and immunological parameters is inherent for patients with acute processes in urogenital tract (cervical canal and urethra), especially cause by mixed infections.Immune diagnostic parameters of mucosa among which TLR system is especially notable have high information properties allowing not only diagnostics of inflammatory process but also differentiating its form and character our course.
Databáze: OpenAIRE