Keratoconus: the possible involvement of inflammatory cytokines in its pathogenesis. An experimental study and review of the literature

Autor: Taurone, S, Ralli, M, Plateroti, A M, Scorcia, V, Greco, A, Nebbioso, M, Soda, G, Artico, M, Familiari, P, Papa, V, Gobbi, P, Micera, A
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: European review for medical and pharmacological sciences. 25(13)
ISSN: 2284-0729
Popis: Keratoconus (KC) is generally described as a non-inflammatory disease, characterized by thinning in the central region of the cornea with consequent tissue degradation producing impaired visual acuity.In our experimental study, we analyzed the presence and implications of several inflammatory cytokines in the corneal tissues of patients suffering from keratoconus by immunohistochemical analysis.The analysis showed increased levels of inflammatory factors in the pathological tissues compared to controls, confirming that KC cannot be considered an entirely non-inflammatory pathology and that its etiopathogenesis includes several chronic inflammatory events.In the light of these results, the classification of KC as an inflammatory pathology or as a pathology related to inflammation might be useful in directing future research aimed at developing effective anti-inflammatory therapies to pharmacologically target the inflammatory mediators which contribute to the development and progression of the disease.
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