Somatic mutations and human breast cancer. A status report

Autor: Callahan, R., Cropp, C. S., Merlo, Giorgio Roberto, Liscia, D., Cappa, A. P. M., Lidereau, R.
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Cancer. 69
ISSN: 0008-543X
Popis: A systematic study of primary human breast tumor DNA demonstrated that three proto-oncogenes or regions of the genome (c-myc, int-2, and c-erbB2) are frequently amplified and that there is loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosomes 1p(37%), 1q(20%), 3p(30%), 7(41%), 11p(20%), 13q(30%), 17p(49%), 17q(29%), and 18q(34%). Specific subsets of tumors can be defined based on the particular collection of mutations they contain. For instance, LOH on chromosomes 11p, 17p, and 18q frequently occurs in the same tumor. A search for putative tumor suppressor genes within the regions of the genome affected by LOH has been started. In a comprehensive molecular analysis of the p53 gene on chromosome 17p, 46% of the tumors contained a point mutation in the p53 gene.
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