[Drinking mineral waters in rehabilitation of cancer patients]

Autor: V I, Vladimirov, A I, Laktionova, N D, Polushina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury. (4)
ISSN: 0042-8787
Popis: Three hundred postmastectomy breast cancer patients and 150 patients after gastric resection for cancer have received spa treatment. It was found that a course intake of mineral water in both groups improved immune status: raised significantly the levels of T- and B-lymphocytes and their functional activity, reduced blood levels of IgG and CIC providing the phenomenon of immunological enhancement of tumor antigens. Incidence rate of postgastroresection disorders after the spa treatment fell 3.8 times, performance raised 3.1 times. The number of breast cancer recurrences decreased by 20%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE