A comparative assessment of the failure rate of molar tubes bonded with a self-etching primer and conventional acid-etching

Autor: Nikolaos, Pandis, Argyro, Polychronopoulou, Theodore, Eliades
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: World journal of orthodontics. 7(1)
ISSN: 1530-5678
Popis: Comparative assessment of the failure rate of molar tubes bonded to first and second molars with a self-etching primer and conventional acid-etching.Four hundred forty-four molar tubes (246 first molar tubes and 198 second molar tubes) were bonded, using a split-mouth design, on 62 patients (23 male, 39 female; mean age 13.7 years) with the 3M Transbond Plus self-etching primer combined with Transbond XT paste; or with conventional acid-etching, Orthosolo primer, and Enlight adhesive paste. First-time failures were recorded over a period of 15 months.Bond failure per adhesive system, arch (maxilla-mandible), quadrant (left, right) and tooth (first or second molar) were studied. Statistical analysis using logistic regression modeling (alpha = .05) showed that the overall failure rate for the first and second molar tubes was 11% (8% with self-etching primer and 13% with conventional acid-etching). No significant difference was found between the 2 bonding methods. Tooth location and type showed statistically significant associations. Mandibular tubes showed a 3:1 probability for failure compared to maxillary tubes. Right-sided tubes demonstrated 3 times more failures when compared to left-sided tubes, and second molar tubes showed a 3-fold increase in failure.Molar tube bonding with self-etching primer shows similar success rates to conventional acid-etching, whereas the mandibular right second molar presents the highest failure incidence.
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