[Evoked somatosensory plexus and cervical evoked potentials in cervicobrachialgia]

Autor: L, Rossi, E, Ubiali, R, Merli, M R, Rottoli
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Rivista di neurologia. 53(2)
ISSN: 0035-6344
Popis: The authors study the sensitive potential evoked from point of Erb and from cervical spine in C6-C7, obtained by stimulation of median nerve in a control group (normals) and in a greater group of 40 cases from patients affected by radiculopathie with or without discal protrusion and by myelopathie spondiloartrosic. The date supply significant informations and are (obicurred in analytique) analyzed with accuracy.
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