[High performance liquid chromatography of nucleotides. Major methods and their development]

Autor: A N, Vul'fson, S A, Iakimov
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Bioorganicheskaia khimiia. 9(3)
ISSN: 0132-3423
Popis: The separation of mono- and oligonucleotides possibilities by means of high performance ion-exchange, reversed-phase, so-called "ion-pair" and adsorption chromatography are studied. The influence of the eluent composition (solvent, salt) and pH on the retention, selectivity and resolution in reversed-phase and ion-exchange chromatography is investigated. The model of the hydrophobic-pair ion-exchange mechanism of ion-pair chromatography is considered. The conditions for analysis and preparative isolation of a desired component are optimized for selectivity, resolution and throughput. The methods for prediction of the optimal gradient elution program reasonable resolution at the desired retention time and for choosing the guard-column packing material are proposed. A design of the gradient for system and the version of slurry packing method for HPLC prolonged life-time columns are improved. The automatized analytical technique for determination of the oligonucleotide monomeric composition with two coupled microcolumns is described, that involves enzymatic digestion of an oligonucleotide followed by ion-exchange separation of the hydrolysate.
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