[Clinical database for intensive care patients]

Autor: Ebbe, Rønholm, Steffen, Christensen, Jakob Steen, Andersen, Reinhold H, Jensen, Henrik Toft, Sørensen
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Ugeskrift for laeger. 169(8)
ISSN: 1603-6824
Popis: Intensive care contributes to a substantial part of health care expenses. Admission to intensive care units is associated with a high mortality rate and a high risk of long-term disability. Data from several studies suggest that suboptimal standards of intensive care are relatively common. Lack of knowledge regarding the use of intensive care and long-term outcome as well as the effectiveness and adverse effects of intensive care impede a systematic and evidence-based development and quality improvement. An initiative to establish a Danish national clinical database for intensive care has been launched.
Databáze: OpenAIRE