[Efferent-afferent convergence as a structural-functional basis for a mechanism of an acceptor of action results]

Autor: V A, Pravdivtsev, S B, Kozlov, V V, Iasnetsov
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk. 28(4)
ISSN: 0301-1798
Popis: In investigation data illustrating neurophysiological features efferent-afferent convergence in CNS are presented. Possibility of involvement of the efferent-afferent convergence mechanism in development of the acceptor of action results apparatus is considered. The role of parietal associative cortex as the integrative zone and zone of interaction the collateral pyramidal excitations with the nature afferent excitations is also discussed. The functional role of efferent-afferent convergence and interaction within the cyclic outline: motor cortex-parietal associative cortex-caudate nucleus-pallidum-thalamus-frontal cortex-motor cortex is analysed.
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