Environmental and typewriter control systems for high-level quadriplegic patients: evaluation and prescription

Autor: G H, Sell, C D, Stratford, M E, Zimmerman, M, Youdin, D, Milner
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 60(6)
ISSN: 0003-9993
Popis: A formal 44-month clinical evaluation was conducted to determine the suitability of selected electronic equipment for use in high-level quadriplegia. A total of 52 traumatic high-level quadriplegic patients (C-2 to C-5,6) participated in the testing of 13 commercial electronic assistive devices including 8 environmental control units, 1 self-contained telephone, and 4 typewriter systems. Most devices were pneumatically ("breath") controlled. Devices were tested in an occupational therapy laboratory, bedside, and homes. Testing yielded data on device reliability, suitability, and acceptance by patients.
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