[Anatomo-clinical characteristics of ovarian fibrothecal tumors. 19 cases over 12 years: 1981-1992[]

Autor: E, Sfar, K, Ben Ammar, S, Mahjoub, S, Zine, N, Kchir, H, Chelli, M, Khrouf, M, Chelli
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Revue francaise de gynecologie et d'obstetrique. 89(6)
ISSN: 0035-290X
Popis: The quasi-constantly benign nature of fibrithecomas of the ovary has been known for many years. However, there have been very few studies of their incidence and clinical characteristics. The aim of this study, based upon 19 cases of fibrothecal tumours of the ovary operated upon at the Rabta maternity unit during a 12 year period, is to give an idea as to epidemiological factors, diagnostic conditions and treatment methods used among the women studied.
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