[Radioprotective activity of complexes of copper, cobalt and zinc with substituted acylhydrazones]

Autor: O V, Arapov, L S, Arestova, O F, Alferova, I I, Krasil'nikov, L A, Khorseeva
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Radiobiologiia. 28(5)
ISSN: 0033-8192
Popis: Acylhydrazone metal complexes belong to a new class of radioprotective agents that have a cytostatic effect increasing, in some cases, the survival rate of irradiated animals by 40-60 per cent compared to irradiated controls. The most active drugs are hypotoxic and applied in much lower doses than ordinary S-containing radioprotective agents to achieve the same protective effect.
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