An Evaluation of the Genera Longicollum and Paralongicollum (Pomphorhynchidae: Acanthocephala) in Australia

Autor: Lesley R, Smales
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta parasitologica. 67(3)
ISSN: 1896-1851
Popis: To confirm the identity of Longicollum edmondsi Golvan, 1969, Pomphorhynchidae Yamaguti, 1939, from Australia.All the relevant specimens registered in Australian museums were examined. Those held as permanent slide preparations were examined directly and those stored in 70% ethanol were examined as temporary wet mounts, after clearing in lactophenol, using an Olympus BH-2 microscope with differential interference optics. Measurements were made with an eyepiece micrometer and figures drawn using a drawing tube.All the material registered as either Longicollum edmondsi or Paralongicollum sp. was determined to be Paralongicollum edmondsi (Golvan, 1969) comb. nov. based, amongst other characters, on the morphology of the neck.The significance of known host species of P. edmondsi and their geographical distribution around the Australian coast was analysed. The geographical distribution of the genus Paralongicollum, Amin, BauerSiderov, 1991, across the Indo Pacific was compared to that of the acanthocephalan genus Sclerocollum SchmidtPaperna, 1978.
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