Regeneration of catalytic activity of glutamine synthetase mutants by chemical activation: exploration of the role of arginines 339 and 359 in activity

Cys) at positions 339 and 359 led to a sharp drop in catalytic activity. Additionally, the Km values for the substrates ATP and glutamate were elevated substantially above the values for wild-type (WT) enzyme. Each cysteine was in turn chemically modified to an arginine "analog" to attempt to "rescue" catalytic activity by covalent modification; 2-chloroacetamidine (CA) (producing a thioether) and 2,2'-dithiobis (acetamidine)(DTBA) (producing a disulfide) were the reagents used to effect these chemical transformations. Upon reaction with CA, both R339C and R359C mutants showed a significant regain of catalytic activity (50% and 70% of WT, respectively) and a drop in Km value for ATP close to that for WT enzyme. With DTBA, chemically modified R339C had a greater kcat than WT glutamine synthetase, but chemically modified R359C only regained a small amount of activity. Modification with DTBA was quantitative for each mutant and each modified enzyme had similar Km values for both ATP and glutamate. The high catalytic activity of DTBA-modified R339C could be reversed to that of unmodified R339C by treatment with dithiothreitol, as expected for a modified enzyme containing a disulfide bond. Modification of each cysteine-containing mutant to a lysine "analog" was accomplished using 3-bromopropylamine (BPA).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) -->
Jazyk: English
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Rights: OPEN
Přírůstkové číslo: edsair.pmid..........d07384ac3485e3507070b374e0059a14
Autor: Dhalla, A. M., Li, B., Alibhai, M. F., Yost, K. J., Hemmingsen, J. M., Atkins, W. M., Schineller, J., Villafranca, J. J.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1994
Popis: In order to understand the nature of ATP and L-glutamate binding to glutamine synthetase, and the involvement of Arg 339 and Arg 359 in catalysis, these amino acids were changed to cysteine via site-directed mutagenesis. Individual mutations (Arg-->Cys) at positions 339 and 359 led to a sharp drop in catalytic activity. Additionally, the Km values for the substrates ATP and glutamate were elevated substantially above the values for wild-type (WT) enzyme. Each cysteine was in turn chemically modified to an arginine "analog" to attempt to "rescue" catalytic activity by covalent modification; 2-chloroacetamidine (CA) (producing a thioether) and 2,2'-dithiobis (acetamidine)(DTBA) (producing a disulfide) were the reagents used to effect these chemical transformations. Upon reaction with CA, both R339C and R359C mutants showed a significant regain of catalytic activity (50% and 70% of WT, respectively) and a drop in Km value for ATP close to that for WT enzyme. With DTBA, chemically modified R339C had a greater kcat than WT glutamine synthetase, but chemically modified R359C only regained a small amount of activity. Modification with DTBA was quantitative for each mutant and each modified enzyme had similar Km values for both ATP and glutamate. The high catalytic activity of DTBA-modified R339C could be reversed to that of unmodified R339C by treatment with dithiothreitol, as expected for a modified enzyme containing a disulfide bond. Modification of each cysteine-containing mutant to a lysine "analog" was accomplished using 3-bromopropylamine (BPA).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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