[Effect of intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures on the pressure in the deep posterior compartment of the leg]

Autor: Daniel, Kowalski, Jan, Orłowski, Walemar, Rylski, Stanisław, Pomianowski, Piotr, Zakrzewski
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Chirurgia narzadow ruchu i ortopedia polska. 72(6)
ISSN: 2003-2005
Popis: In the years of 2003-2005 there was carried out an investigation on 24 patients (17 male and 7 female) based on measuring the pressure in the deep posterior compartment during tibial intramedullary nailing with reaming. The pressure was checked in each part of the operation. The mean increase of the pressure was 7% (+ 1.6 mmHg) and didn't cause any risk of compartment syndrome. In our opinion the intramedullary nailing might be consider as a safe procedure.
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