Adult necrotising enterocolitis: a rare entity

Autor: Mahesh, Gupta, Subhash, Goyal, Milan, Verma, Rekha, Goyal
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Acta medica Indonesiana. 46(4)
ISSN: 0125-9326
Popis: A case of Adult Necrotising Enterocolitis in an adult female whom diagnosed with intestinal obstruction was reported. On exploratory laparotomy, the mechanical caused was not found although major part of small bowel, caecum and proximal ascending colon were gangrenous along with intervening normal parts. Resection of affected bowel was performed followed by jejunostomy and transverse colostomy. Unfortunately, the patient not survive in the postoperative periods. Adult Necrotising Enterocolitis may mimic intestinal obstruction clinically or radiologically and prompt medical and surgical intervention is indicated in doubtful cases although it carries a poor prognosis.
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