Unusual manifestations of brucellosis: a retrospective case series in a tertiary care Greek university hospital

Autor: I, Starakis, E E, Mazokopakis, H, Bassaris
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit. 16(4)
ISSN: 1020-3397
Popis: Brucellosis remains a diagnostic puzzle. We retrospectively studied the case notes of 105 patients with brucellosis who were admitted in the Department of Internal Medicine of the University of Patras Hospital, a tertiary care institution serving an extended rural area in western Greece, from 2003 to 2006. Five unusual causes of brucellosis were identified: hepatic, epidural and thyroid abscesses, intrahepatic cholestatic liver disease and pancytopenia. Virtually every human organ and system can be involved in brucellosis, which highlights the need to include brucellosis in the differential diagnosis, especially in endemic areas.
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