[Retained lens fragments after cataract surgery: Comparison of same-day versus delayed vitrectomy]

Autor: J-C, Vermion, R, Yahia, K, Angioi-Duprez, J-P, Berrod, J-B, Conart
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal francais d'ophtalmologie. 44(7)
ISSN: 1773-0597
Popis: To evaluate and to compare functional outcomes and complication rates of the same-day versus delayed pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for intravitreal retained lens fragments after cataract surgery.Retrospective comparative series of 135 eyes with retained lens fragments that underwent PPV between August 2014 and July 2016. Sixty-two eyes received same-day PPV (group 1) and seventy-three eyes underwent delayed PPV (group 2). Outcome measures included best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 6 months and postoperative complications.The mean time to PPV in group 2 was 4.3±5.3 days. Mean axial length, lens fragment size and surgical technique were comparable in both groups. At 6 months, BCVA was 0.27±0.40 logMAR in group 1, and 0.35±0.30 logMAR in group 2, with no significant difference (P=0.205). Fifty-one (82.2%) eyes in group 1 and 53 (72.6%) eyes in group 2 achieved BCVA of+0.30 logMAR (20/40) or better (P=0.183). The most common complications were macular edema, elevated intraocular pressure25mmHg, and retinal detachment occurring respectively in 10 (16.1%) eyes, 4 (6.4%) eyes and one eye (1.6%) in group 1 and 11 (15.0%) eyes, 5 (6.8%) eyes and 2 (2.7%) eyes in group 2. Overall, the complication rate was similar in both groups (P=1).Our study shows that visual acuity outcomes and complication rates were similar regardless of timing of the PPV. The optimal timing of surgery remains a multifactorial decision involving patient preferences, transportation, surgeon availability and severity of the initial presentation.
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