Reconstitution of T-cell function after CD6-depleted allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

Autor: R J, Soiffer, L, Bosserman, C, Murray, K, Cochran, J, Daley, J, Ritz
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Blood. 75(10)
ISSN: 0006-4971
Popis: Patients who undergo allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) are clinically immunodeficient for a prolonged period after engraftment. In the present study, we examined immune function after BMT in a series of patients who had received HLA compatible sibling marrow grafts purged of T cells with anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody and complement. None of the patients in this analysis received immunomodulating agents and none had developed graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Initially after BMT, natural killer (NK) cells are the predominant cell type, giving way to CD3+, CD5+ T cells after 4 to 8 weeks. Despite the return of normal numbers of T lymphocytes post-BMT phenotypic analysis reveals several long-term abnormalities, including an inverted T4:T8 ratio and a significant fraction of CD3+ T cells that do not co-express CD6. In mitogenic assays, stimulation by either nonspecific lectin (phytohemagglutinin; PHA) or antibodies to the CD2 surface structure (anti-T11(2) + anti-T11(3)) results in decreased levels of T-cell proliferation compared with controls for over 18 months post-BMT. In contrast, the ability of unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to respond to recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) is relatively intact, most likely reflecting early functional reconstitution of the NK cell population. To further characterize the prolonged abnormalities in T-cell proliferation after PHA or CD2 stimulation, we examined more proximal events in T-cell activation such as induction of IL-2 receptor expression and stimulus-induced intracellular calcium flux. We found that the induction of IL-2 receptor (p55) after in vitro activation, although initially abnormal, recovers completely by 6 months post-BMT. We also found that, after CD2 stimulation, calcium flux in T cells was normal immediately after engraftment. In contrast, after stimulation with anti-CD3 antibodies, a large population of T cells do not develop intracellular calcium flux compared with controls. We conclude that despite the recovery of normal numbers of T lymphocytes early after engraftment of CD6-depleted marrow, these T cells exhibit several physiologic and functional abnormalities that persist for varying intervals post-BMT. At present, it is unclear which of these specific defects is most closely associated with increased susceptibility to infectious agents after BMT.
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