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The development of testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has made it possible for patients with non-obstructive azoospermia to have their own children. However, sperm retrieval by conventional TESE succeeds but in a subset of patients and, therefore, how to improve the success rate of sperm retrieval is becoming a focus of research. Recent studies suggest that microdissection TESE, although with its limitations, has obvious advantages over traditional sperm retrieval methods. This article presents an overview on the characteristics, predictive factors, sperm retrieval rate, post-operative complications, and improvement of microdissection TESE.睾丸取精技术的发展和卵细胞胞质内单精子注射技术的成熟使无精子症患者生育有血缘关系子代成为可能。然而,传统取精术只能为少部分的患者成功取精,因此如何提高取精术的精子获得率成为目前研究的重点。近年来研究显示,睾丸显微取精术可能比传统取精术更具优势,但也存在一定的局限性。本文就睾丸显微取精术的特点、取精前预测指标、精子获得率、术后并发症以及需要进行改进和探索的问题等进行综述。. |