[Effect of neck massage therapy on the soft tissues after thyroid surgery]

Autor: V R, Antoniv
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Likars'ka sprava. (2)
ISSN: 1019-5297
Popis: Our objectives in this study were to establish validated methods of massotherapy of the neck, to determine its action on the neck structures, and to conduct a comparative evaluation of results of the control and study groups after performing massotherapy. It has been found out that in 80 (85%) patients the skin comes to be tinged with healthy pink, the cutaneous-and-muscle tone getting improved, which event makes the skin smooth and elastic following the above massage. Over the first ten days of the massoprocedures 44 (48%) subjects demonstrated resolution of the edema and swelling, with the thickened skin fold as a roller dissappearing by the end of the second month. Dispelling of hypothyrosis phenomena made for reduction of dosages of hormonal preparations. We consider it mandatory that massotherapy of the neck be instituted in all those patients who had undergone operation on the neck and thyroid.
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