Ovary and vaginal epithelium dynamics during the estrous cycle in

Autor: Artur N, Carreiro, João A R A, Diniz, Joyce G, Souza, Débora V F, Araújo, Rômulo F F, Dias, Liliane M S, Azerêdo, Ediane F, Rocha, Ana Y F La, Salles, Carlos E, Peña-Alfaro, Maria A M, Carvalho, Maria J, Illera, Danilo J A, Menezes
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Veterinary Science
ISSN: 1976-555X
Popis: The objective of the present study was to monitor and characterize morphological alterations in ovaries of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), reared in captivity, by using abdominal ultrasonography. All animals underwent daily vaginal cytological examination to identify the current cycle phase. For each phase of the estrous cycle, ultrasound examinations were carried out to identify and describe the morphology of both ovaries. Topographic parameters in an ultrasound window were established to locate the ovaries. The agouti estrous cycle lasted an average of 29.94 ± 6.77 days. During vaginal cytology examinations, all cell types were identified, and each phase of the estrous cycle was established by cell counts. No significant alterations were observed in the assessed ovarian morphometry measurements. In 75% of the animals examined, ovarian follicle presence was observed in the proestrus phase.
Databáze: OpenAIRE