[Study of the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in pediatrics and modification of the teaching methodology]

Autor: E, Doménech Martínez, H, Armas Ramos, J R, Castro Conde, J P, González Díaz, A, Méndez Pérez, C, Ormazábal Ramos, J C, Rodríguez Luis, R, Trujillo Armas, F, Barroso Guerrero, C, Cortabarría Bayona, P, Fuster Juste, S, López Mendoza, L, Ortigosa Castillo, I, Rodríguez Rodríguez, A, Zurita Molina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Anales de pediatria (Barcelona, Spain : 2003). 65(5)
ISSN: 1695-4033
Popis: Spanish medical faculties have initiated the new curriculum reform process within the framework of the European Higher Education Area and are required to incorporate the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) to new syllabi before 2010.To test the introduction of the ECTS in pediatrics and modify the teaching methodology.The theoretical and practical programs were adapted; academic objectives and a student evaluation system were established. Students were surveyed on starting the second term of the 2004-05 academic year before the theory examination and again on terminating the academic year: a 5-point Likert-type scale was used for responses. Priorities for generic and specific competencies selected by students were compared with those selected by the National Deans Conference (NDC). The results were analyzed using non-parametric tests.Fifteen credits became 11 ECTS, with 297 student working hours. The theory program was reduced from 80 to 52 lessons. The students prepared 14 tutor-supervised case presentations. The teaching staff considered that learning of theory was similar to previous years (66 %) and that practical learning improved (73.3 %). The students thought the program should continue (73.2 %) but 98.8 % considered the workload excessive. The students believed that their practical training and their ability to prepare and make case presentations significantly improved during the semester. Academic performance was significantly higher than that in students of the previous year. Students agreed with NDC priorities for 9/9 general and 4/17 specific competencies. Estimation of workload by students was significantly higher than that by staff, and 73.3 % of the students believed that workload should be reduced and the examination system improved.Introducing the ECTS improved academic performance, practical training, and self-directed learning. The project was satisfactory for staff and students. Student workload was underestimated.
Databáze: OpenAIRE