[A comparative assessment of gastric secretory function using a probe method and intragastric Ph-metry]

Autor: V N, Medvedev, L M, Zelenskaia, V F, Orlovskiĭ, N Ia, Dotsenko, V N, Medvedeva, N N, Protsenko, T M, Kriukova
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Klinicheskaia meditsina. 68(3)
ISSN: 0023-2149
Popis: To compare informative value of probing and intragastric pH-metry, relevant examination was performed in 130 patients with chronic gastritis, 132 patients with noncomplicated peptic ulcer and 50 healthy subjects. pH values obtained with probing and intragastric pH-metry did not differ significantly in defects of gastric mucosa, superficial gastritis, peptic ulcer. In apparent atrophic gastritis intragastric pH-metry detected minimal secretion of H ions in all the patients, whereas probing failed to show it. Intragastric pH-metry is useful in recognizing duodenogastric reflux and decompensated acid stomach as shown by antral basal pH (below 2.0).
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