Autor: N, Nakudashvili, T, Sanikidze, L, Ratiani, M, Tsabadze, M, Advadze, A, Chankseliani
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Georgian medical news. (322)
ISSN: 1512-0112
Popis: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with the local antihistamine medicine Palada NS in patients with vasomotor rhinitis who have had COVID-19 infection (6 months after transfer) and have not. The diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis was made on the basis of subjective (sneezing frequency, degree of difficulty in nasal breathing, nature, consistency, color of nasal discharge, as well as color of swelling of the nasal mucosa and turbinates, impaired olfactory function, general condition of the patient) and objective (anterior and posterior rhinoscopy, endoscopy, rhinomanometry) examination.Patients in both groups were treated with Palladium NS for 10 days (2 sprays, 2 times a day for 10 days). All studies were performed in patients before, 3-5 days after, and at the end of the treatment. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed according to patients' subjective complaints and objective indicators of instrumental examination. Symptoms before and after treatment were assessed on a 3-point scale. A positive result of treatment was revealed in the majority of patients. Which manifested itself in a decrease in the number of subjective and objective complaints. In patients who did not undergo COVID-19 infection, the subjective and objective indicators' improvement was revealed as early as on the 5th day of treatment, in patients with vasomotor rhinitis who underwent COVID-19 at least 6 months ago, the improvement was recorded only by the end of treatment. Based on the results of our studies, the proposed treatment regimen for vasomotor rhinitis with the local antihistamine medicine Palada NS can be recommended for patients with vasomotor rhinitis, both with and without COVID-19 infection.
Databáze: OpenAIRE