[Proceeding with patients having mental impairment and those affected by congenital development anomalies during orthodontic treatment]

Autor: Katarzyna, Jamroszczyk, Danuta, Górniak, Mariusz, Lipski, Jadwiga, Buczkowska-Radlińska, Matylda, Trusewicz
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis. 54(1)
ISSN: 1427-440X
Popis: The aim of the work was to describe the specificity of proceeding with patients having mental impairment and those affected by congenital development anomalies during orthodontic treatment. At the same time, an attempt has been made at solving some problems concerning the treatment of patients with special needs. Based on available references three model syndromes of congenital development anomalies with coexisting mental impairment have been described: Down, Lejeune and Williams syndromes. It results from the descriptions and discussions included in this work that the possibilities of optimal cooperation and most effective treatment of patients affected by congenital birth defects and by mental impairment are conditioned, among other things, by: good contact between a doctor, a patient and a parent (guardian), availability and application of the best treatment solutions as well as coordinated implementation of a common therapeutic plan by members of an interdisciplinary team in specialized medical health centres.
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