Leptospires in the whistling frog (Eleutherodactylus johnstonei) on Barbados

Autor: C O, Everard, D G, Carrington, H, Korver, R, Burke, J D, Everard, C, Gravekamp
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: The Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 93(2)
ISSN: 0022-5304
Popis: Two groups of whistling frogs (Eleutherodactylus johnstonei) comprising 99 and 117 animals were examined for leptospiral infection. Group I animals were caught in 14 areas of Barbados, and Group II animals in seven areas of suburban Bridgetown. Leptospires were isolated from the kidneys or body fluid of six frogs in Group I and the kidneys of 3 frogs in Group II. Two of the Group I isolates died out; the others were identified as bajan (a new serovar in the Australis serogroup) (6) and bim (Autumnalis) (1). The macerated body tissues and fluid of Group I frogs were put into phosphate buffered saline and examined by the microscopic agglutination test using 22 antigens. The results were all negative. For the Group II frogs the methodology was altered; blood was collected onto filter paper discs and allowed to dry out before being agitated in PBS and examined by the MAT. 15/117 (12.8%) animals were positive at greater than or equal to 1:100 and 19 (16.2%) at greater than or equal to 1:50. The geometric mean titre was 179. Seventeen of the sera reacted predominantly to antigens in the Australis serogroup, and two to Pyrogenes on its own. The serological results reflected the identity of the isolates. Serovars of Australis are not known to cause illness on Barbados, but bim is the commonest cause of severe leptospirosis on the island.
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