The Role of Critical Self-Reflection on Assumptions in Changes in Sexual Beliefs and Behaviors by Men Who Use the Internet to Seek Sex with Men

Autor: Wilkerson, J. Michael, Danilenko, Gene P., Myer, Bryn B., Simon Rosser, BR
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: The Men’s INTernet Study II is a randomized controlled trial to develop and test an Internet-based HIV prevention interventions for men who use the Internet to seek sex with men in the USA. In 2008, men who use the Internet to seek sex with men (N=650) were randomized to an online, interactive, sexual risk-reduction intervention or to a waitlist null control. After three months, participants in both conditions reported varying degrees of change in sexual beliefs or behaviors. This mixed-methods study sought to understand why these changes occurred. Responses to five open-ended questions were coded thematically. Level of critical self-reflection on assumptions appears to explain the differences in changes between and within intervention and control participants. When developing HIV-prevention interventions, researchers and practitioners are encouraged to include activities in their curriculum that foster critical self-reflection on assumptions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE