Caveolin-1, a metastasis-related gene that promotes cell survival in prostate cancer

Autor: T C, Thompson, T L, Timme, L, Li, A, Goltsov
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death. 4(4)
ISSN: 1360-8185
Popis: Metastasis represents the ultimate target in cancer therapy as this complex biological process is the direct cause of mortality for a variety of human malignancies. The current high level of mortality from prostate cancer results in large part from the inexorable growth of overt or occult metastasis present at the time of diagnosis. Currently, there are no curative therapies for metastatic prostate cancer. To better understand the metastatic phenotype in prostate cancer, we developed a strategy to identify mRNAs that are expressed differentially in cell lines derived from primary versus metastatic mouse prostate cancer using differential display-PCR. In using this system a number of metastasis-related sequences were identified including a cDNA that encodes caveolin-1. Caveolin-1 was found to be overexpressed not only in metastatic mouse prostate cancer, but also in human metastatic disease. Recent studies have indicated that suppression of caveolin-1 expression induces androgen sensitivity in high caveolin-1, androgen-insensitive mouse prostate cancer cells derived from metastases. Conversely, overexpression of caveolin-1 leads to androgen insensitivity in low caveolin, androgen-sensitive mouse prostate cancer cells. Caveolin-1, therefore, is both a metastasis-related gene as well as a candidate androgen resistance gene for prostate cancer in man. Interestingly, recent studies also point to a potential role for caveolin-1 in the resistance of various malignancies to multiple antineoplastic agents. The linkage of caveolin-1 expression with the androgen-resistant phenotype in prostate cancer and the multidrug resistance phenotype in various solid tumors establishes a novel paradigm for understanding these clinically important and now potentially related processes in malignant progression.
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