A Generic Assay to Detect Aberrant

Autor: Mike, Broeders, Kasper, Smits, Busra, Goynuk, Esmee, Oussoren, Hannerieke J M P, van den Hout, Atze J, Bergsma, Ans T, van der Ploeg, W W M Pim, Pijnappel
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Molecular Therapy. Methods & Clinical Development
ISSN: 2329-0501
Popis: Identification and characterization of disease-associated variants in monogenic disorders is an important aspect of diagnosis, genetic counseling, prediction of disease severity, and development of therapy. However, the effects of disease-associated variants on pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA degradation are difficult to predict and often missed. Here we present a generic assay for unbiased identification and quantification of arylsulfatase B (ARSB) mRNA for molecular diagnosis of patients with mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI). We found that healthy control individuals have inefficient ARSB splicing because of natural skipping of exon 5 and inclusion of two pseudoexons in introns 5 and 6. Analyses of 12 MPS VI patients with 10 different genotypes resulted in identification of a 151-bp intron inclusion caused by the c.1142+2T>C variant and detection of low ARSB expression from alleles with the c.629A>G variant. A special case showed skipping of exon 4 and low ARSB expression. Although no disease-associated DNA variant could be identified in this patient, the molecular diagnosis could be made based on RNA. These results highlight the relevance of RNA-based analyses to establish a molecular diagnosis of MPS VI. We speculate that inefficient natural splicing of ARSB may be a target for therapy based on promotion of canonical splicing.
Graphical Abstract
Broeders et al. present a generic assay for unbiased identification and quantification of arylsulfatase B mRNA for molecular diagnosis of MPS VI. Aberrantly spliced and degraded products were identified in MPS VI patients and healthy control individuals, highlighting the relevance of RNA-based analyses.
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