[Characteristics of autonomic regulations in miners working in hard conditions of coal mines]

Autor: H S, Perederiĭ, V V, Ivanov
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994). 50(1)
ISSN: 2522-9028
Popis: 72 miners aged from 30 till 40 years have been surveyed. It was established that to achieve socially acceptable results the miners use corresponding strategy doing their job. Under the influence of the work the functional states mediated not only by conditions of working environment but also by resistivity of the organism are developed. It is shown that highly productive, reliable and effective work is possible under adequate interactions of central and autonomic mechanisms of regulation. Alteration in these interactions, particularly, non-adequate centralization of management processes decreases physical capacity for work. Enhancement of sympathetic effects on periphery that leads to development of hypertensive reactions has been observed. Such alterations are accompanied by an increase in physiological cost of work and decreased productivity of labor.
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