Radioimmunoassay for PbTx-2-type brevetoxins: epitope specificity of two anti-PbTx sera

Autor: M A, Poli, K S, Rein, D G, Baden
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Journal of AOAC International. 78(2)
ISSN: 1060-3271
Popis: Antiserum against PbTx-2-type brevetoxins was produced by immunizing rabbits with a PbTx-2-bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugate. This serum had a higher affinity, but lower titer, than our current goat serum. Using 4 natural brevetoxins and 6 synthetic derivatives as competitors in our brevetoxin radioimmunoassay, we determined the epitope specificity of both sera. Modification of the backbone structure at C-42 on the K-ring had little or no effect on the antigen-binding capability of either serum. Reduction of the double bond between C-2 and C-3 on the A-ring by reduction of the lactone decreased binding 500 to 750-fold. Epoxidation of the double bond between C-27 and C-28 on the H-ring did not affect binding, which suggested that the goat serum is specific for the A-ring region of the brevetoxin backbone. In contrast, modifying the A-ring had no effect on rabbit serum binding. However, epoxidation of the H-ring decreased binding 5 to 20-fold, which suggested that the rabbit antiserum is specific for the H-ring region of the molecule. These results suggest that assays utilizing only one antibody may not adequately detect toxin metabolites if molecules are altered in the critical region of antibody recognition.
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