[Biological dose assessment by the analyses of chromosomal aberrations and CB micronuclei in two victims accidentally exposed to 60Co gamma-rays]

Autor: Yu-min, Lü, Bao-hua, Fu, Lin, Han, Yu-hao, Chen, Feng-ling, Zhao
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Yi chuan = Hereditas. 24(4)
ISSN: 0253-9772
Popis: Biological doses were estimated by using the yields of dicentrics plus rings(dic+r) and cytokinesis-block micronuclei (CBMN) for two victims of the accident radiation occurred on Mar 6,2000 in the City of Xuchang(victim A), and Jun 26,2000 in the City of Kaifeng(victim B), Henan Province,respectively. The results indicated that the equvalent whole body doses based on the standard dose-response curves established by the analyses of dic+r and CBMN were estimated to be 1.44Gy and 1.43Gy(victim A), and 0.15Gy and 0.22Gy(victim B). These doses were very consistent with the mean doses calculated from physical measurement and conformable to the clinical dianosis. The dic+r aberrations of victim A did not accord with Poisson distribution. The analyses of chromosomal aberrations and CBMN are an extremely reliable method in biological dosimetry. The radiation which victim A was exposed to was heterogeneous.
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