Drug holidays and serum haloperidol levels in schizophrenic patients

Autor: D E, McMillan, E P, Fody, L, Couch, R H, Harrison, J E, Newton, W G, Reese
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: The Journal of clinical psychiatry. 47(7)
ISSN: 0160-6689
Popis: Chronic hospitalized schizophrenic patients receiving haloperidol were placed on drug holidays for 2 days. Serum haloperidol levels in these patients decreased to about 60% of the levels seen just prior to the usual morning dosing during the drug holiday. Control subjects not given a drug holiday showed stable day-to-day serum haloperidol levels. The small drop in serum haloperidol blood levels may relate to the lack of relapse observed in such patients.
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