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The United Nations signed "Vision for Everyone-Accelerating Action to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (A/RES/75/310)" at the 75th UN sessions, committing to great efforts to improve eye health globally and address the increasing impact of vision loss on sustainable development. It is the first agreement designed to tackle preventable sight loss to be adopted at the United Nations and to enshrine eye health as an integral part of universal health coverage. The resolution summarized the lessons learned from previous global eye health practices, set a target of eye care for all by 2030-with countries set to ensure full access to eye care services for their populations, and, to support global efforts, to make eye care part of their nation's journey to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This global initiative will also have a significant impact on eye health in China, and we should implement this United Nations General Assembly Resolution to promote the continued development of eye health in China.2021年联合国通过决议《人人拥有视力:加快行动实现可持续发展目标》,这是一份推动全球眼健康工作的重要文件,是联合国通过的第一个旨在解决可避免视力丧失问题的决议,该决议将眼健康纳入全球可持续发展目标的关键部分。该决议总结了全球眼健康工作的经验教训,设定眼健康工作的全球目标,即各国应确保其人民充分享有眼保健服务,到2030年实现人人享有眼保健服务,并设立了国家层面眼健康工作的监测指标和方法。这一文件将作为全球眼健康全民覆盖、促进实现可持续发展目标的工作蓝图;这一全球行动也将对我国的眼健康工作产生重大影响。本文分析了这一重要决议对推动我国眼健康工作持续发展的作用。. |