A phytic acid analogue INS-3001 prevents ectopic calcification in an Abcc6

Autor: Ida Joely, Jacobs, Diana, Li, Mattias E, Ivarsson, Jouni, Uitto, Qiaoli, Li
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Exp Dermatol
ISSN: 1600-0625
Popis: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), a prototype of heritable ectopic calcification disorders, affects the skin, eyes, and the cardiovascular system due to inactivating mutations in the ABCC6 gene. There is no effective treatment for the systemic manifestations of PXE. In this study, the efficacy of INS-3001, an analog of phytic acid, was tested for inhibition of ectopic calcification in an Abcc6(−/−) mouse model of PXE. In prevention study, Abcc6(−/−) mice, at 6 weeks of age, the time of onset of ectopic calcification, were treated with INS-3001 with 0.16, 0.8, 4, 20 or 100 mg/kg/day administered by subcutaneous implantation of osmotic pumps, as well as 4 mg/kg/day by subcutaneous injection thrice weekly or 14, 4, and 0.8 mg/kg/day once weekly subcutaneous injection. Mice were necropsied at 12 weeks of age. Histologic examination and quantitative calcium assay revealed that mice receiving 6 weeks of continuous INS-3001 administration via osmotic pumps showed dose-dependent inhibition of muzzle skin calcification with complete response at 4 mg/kg/day and a minimum effective dose at 0.8 mg/kg/day. INS-3001 plasma concentrations were dose-dependent and largely consistent during treatment for each dose. Thrice weekly and once weekly subcutaneous injections of INS-3001 also prevented calcification. In established disease study, 12-week-old Abcc6(−/−) mice with extensive calcification were continuously administered INS-3001 at 4 mg/kg/day for a follow-up of 12 weeks. INS-3001 treatment was found to stabilize existing calcification that had developed at start of treatment. These results suggest that INS-3001 may provide a promising preventive treatment strategy for PXE, a currently intractable ectopic calcification disorder.
Databáze: OpenAIRE