[Telepathology in diagnostic consultations for controversial neoplastic growths in the lung--personal experience]

Autor: J, Słodkowska, E, Wiatr, K, Kayser, I, Bestry
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Pneumonologia i alergologia polska. 69(5-6)
ISSN: 0867-7077
Popis: The authors assessed the diagnostic accuracy of the static telepathology (sTP) for practical consultations in the controversial pulmonary oncology cases. The short characteristics of the diagnostic cases is included. We reported the results of 6 difficult clinico-pathological cases submitted to Dept Quantitative Pathology [DQP] for consultations (5F and 1M, age: 26-68 yrs). Digital images of histological or cytological samples were captured at DQP and transmitted to telepathologist (TPat) in Thoraxklinik, Heidelberg or AFIP, Washington DC. Simultaneously, the same slides (or with a paraffin block) were mailed to TPats for re-evaluation with the conventional microscope (dgn-zwPat). The controversial cases presented 2 types of diagnostic problems: 1/rare entities, 2/common difficulties in the routine work of pathologist, but with indefinitely proved diagnosis. The first group encounters TPat diagnoses as follows: * case A: pulmonary plasma cell granuloma with lymphoidal interstitial infiltrates [LIP]--preleukemia; * case B: microfoci of early metastases of benign uterine leiomyoma; * case D: small cell carcinoma spreading along pleura. The second group included: * case C: invasive epidermoidal carcinoma in bronchus; *case E: probably metastatic adenocarcinoma of colon; *case F: synchronous or metastasising 2 lung tumours sharing NE morphology or NE immunohistochemical features. There was very high concordance between referring pathologist (ref-Pat) diagnoses and TPat diagnoses as well as a consensus in zw-TPat diagnoses. In 2 cases the conceptual problem was solved by TPat. Telepathology offered a support or improved the quality of the final diagnosis. The implementation of sTP remarkably reduced the time of consultations and allowed to present the diagnostic problems to the international group of experts.
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